Future impacts of Airbnb for tourism, communities and real estate


Future impacts of Airbnb for tourism, communities and real estate Airbnb has been one of the success stories in the tourism industry over the last couple of decades. The company has recently advertised its growth strategy but has also come under increased scrutiny from regulators due to the impact its listings may have on local communities and the real estate … Read More

Prioritizing: Important vs. Urgent


Prioritizing: Important vs. Urgent We live hyper-connected. We work at a dizzying pace from anywhere on the planet. Considering this lack of time, it is difficult to know how to prioritize between what is urgent and what can wait. Corporations often get lost in this dichotomy. Within a context of daily demands it is easy to fall into the trap … Read More

EKOPARTY 2023: the most important cybersecurity meeting in Latin America


EKOPARTY 2023: the most important cybersecurity meeting in Latin America The most important cybersecurity and ethical hacking event in Latin America took place, as usual, in Argentina and, of course, we couldn’t miss it. Apart from visiting the stands of friends and colleagues, we could listen to some talks about the progress of artificial intelligence and security risks, the main … Read More

Leading through a perfect storm: HLB Survey of Business Leaders 2023


Leading through a perfect stormHLB Survey of Business Leaders 2023 ARE CONCERNED ABOUT INFLATION AS TOP RISK TO BUSINESS0% HAS A CLEARLY DEFINED ORGANISATIONAL PURPOSE0% NAMES ‘FLEXIBILITY’ AS AN ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOUR IN TIMES OF CRISES0% SEE TALENT ACQUISITION AS THEIR GREATEST WEAKNESS0% Cultivating the right leadership behaviours during times of crisis Leaders face an expanded risk radar as the … Read More

Technology and environment


Technology and environment According to a survey conducted by Statista Consumer Insights along 38 countries, only the 20% and the 45% of the interviewees regarded environmental care and protection as one of the most important issues for their countries. These are low numbers considering that it is the most significant challenge for the next years and much more, from a … Read More

Diversity of thought: the pipeline to success


Diversity of thought: the pipeline to success In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, organisations are recognising the pivotal role that diversity plays in fostering innovation, creativity, and overall success. As businesses strive to remain competitive, succession planning has emerged as a critical strategy to ensure continuity and sustainable growth. An integral aspect of effective succession planning is the inclusion of … Read More

Common cybersecurity threats for SMEs: How to protect your business online


Common cybersecurity threats for SMEs: How to protect your business online Cybersecurity threats are a real and constant danger for businesses of all sizes, including small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number and sophistication of cyber-attacks. HLB´s Cybersecurity Report 2022found that 78% of businesses fear they are not fully prepare … Read More